Our Governors
The Governing Body at Barningham Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School is responsible for decisions about the direction and future of the school. We consist of parents, carers, members of the community, and school staff; we all share a passion for our school, and strive to support our dedicated staff to provide the best possible education for our children in an environment where they can thrive. Our legal responsibilities are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school.
- Recruitment of the Head Teacher, and holding them to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
- To consider the impact of decisions made by the school on its stakeholders.
We meet as a whole governing body once a term. Our sub committees, which also meet termly, focus on separate topics such as Finance, Ethos and Learning and Achievement. These committees consist of governors with skills and experience in these areas. We also undertake regular training, and attend seminars, to ensure we have the knowledge to work with the challenges facing education.
We visit the school on a regular basis, supporting the Head Teacher as well as challenging their expectations. We monitor all subjects being taught in school as well as the School Development Plan, safeguarding, attendance and Special Educational needs. We also attend school performances, church services, parents evenings, sports days and many other events. These visits allow us to understand the school, which helps us to both celebrate successes and raise relevant questions about development priorities.
Should you want to learn more about the work of the governing body, please contact the Chair of Governors or the Head Teacher.
Our Governors
The total number of governors is eleven and we also have one associate governor. Currently our governors are:
Stephany Hunter
I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher and qualified after completing a degree in Primary Education. I started my teaching career in a large primary school in London. In 2015, I decided to relocate to Suffolk and became the Deputy Headteacher at a small school in Lowestoft. Suffolk gave me the opportunity to do what I love: countryside walks, being by the sea and exploring what the natural world has to offer in this beautiful part of the country. I really enjoy my role as Headteacher at Barningham CEVC Primary school and I look forward to continue building upon this work for the years to come.
Julie Surridge
(Chair) Parent Governor
Having moved to Barningham in 2011 with my husband and two children, I am taking a break from my career in finance to spend time with my children. I became a governor in May 2016 and enjoy supporting the school and seeing the children learn new skills. My interests include history, photography and personal fitness.
Rev Cathy Bladen
Foundation Governor
I am the Rector of Barningham and the United Benefice of Stanton. I worked in the Area Education Office and the Careers Office in Ipswich early on in my working life, and then once I had my children I got involved in running the local toddler group, play group and helping on the PTA. I have worked as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant at Thomas Mills High School where I worked in the Special Educational Need Department for ten years before I began my training to become a Priest. I loved being a Teaching Assistant and the high light for me was working with small groups building self-esteem, and working one to one enabling youngsters to reach their full potential and to see them achieve their goals.
Claire Walker
Co-Opted Governor
I have lived in Hepworth for many years with my husband. I have two sons and a daughter and two grandchildren; and both attend Barningham CEVC Primary School. I am delighted to be a governor and to work with the team and help in anyway I can. My interests include reading (and I am a member of a local Book Group), cooking, gardening, flower arranging, painting (I belong to a local art group as well) sewing and knitting. I have worked in both primary and secondary schools as a PA, including working within the admin team and line managing staff. I ran a Girls’ Brigade company for over 20 years in Loughton and Saffron Walden, with girls aged 5 years upwards. We enjoyed helping them with many activities and taking them to camps.
Sandy Atwell
Local Authority Governor
I have lived in Barningham for over 30 years. I am a retired Financial Adviser and have been a school governor for 2 years. I enjoy exercising, baking, crafts – especially knitting, crochet and quilting. I regularly come into school to listen to children read and help Cooking with our school cook, Mrs Chapman.
Frances Kurtz
Parent Governor
Having relocated from Pembrokeshire West Wales to Suffolk in 2017 with my husband and two daughters, we quickly settled into village life. I graduated from Harper Adams University College where I studied Agri Food Marketing and have worked for companies such as Tyrrells Crisps & Bluestone National Park Resort. Now I am a full time Mum to Phoebe and Norah I felt I would enjoy contributing to the school by
Theo Morris
Parent Governor
I have lived in the local area my whole life and have 2 children at the school. Before becoming a governor, I had worked in education for over 12 years, in local primary and special needs schools. I run a 3D printing business and enjoy gardening, making music and looking after our smallholding.
Kevin O’Connell
Associate Governor
I have over 25 years’ experience of school governance, within the Infant, Primary, Middle and Secondary sectors of education in Cambridgeshire, Essex, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk. I am passionate about education whilst supporting students within their learning, enabling them to develop into successful young adults. My previous career was as a professional musician and I taught drums to students throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk.
Steven Talbot-Hadley
Foundation Governor & Vice-Chair
My wife and I and our two younger children have recently moved to Coney Weston. Whilst my wife works full time, I am retired and am concentrating on running our home and caring full time for the children. I am a former parish priest and have spent 35 years practising as a barrister, specialising in Criminal Law. My work with children has included running youth clubs, Sunday Schools, Confirmation classes, being a school chaplain and as a church school inspector. More recently I worked as a volunteer for a charity called ‘Children Heard and Seen’ in Oxfordshire. The charity supports children, young people and their families who are impacted by parental imprisonment. Having come from a more urban part of Berkshire, we are enjoying discovering our new rural environment and the beautiful Suffolk coastline. My interests include playing table tennis and cycling with the children, cooking, reading and gardening. I am looking forward to playing an active role in the school life.
Important Documents
Our new instrument of government came into force on 1 September 2015.
We abide by a Code of Conduct:
Code of Conduct 2024 – 2025
Governor Attendance on Committee Meetings 2023-24
Governors subject areas Nov 2024
LA-maintained-Committee-Structures-Terms-of-Reference-Nov 24
Constitution-Barningham Voluntary Nov 24
Ethos Committee Terms of Ref Nov 24
Finance, Site & HR Committee Nov 24
L&A Committee Terms of Ref Nov 24
WGB & Committee Meeting Dates 24 – 25