Welcome to Barningham Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School.
We are a rural village primary school set in the beautiful countryside of Suffolk. We are so proud of our school – the children, staff, governors and our local community because we pride ourselves in this school being the heart and soul of Barningham. Our mission is to grow in faith, grow in our learning and grow our future world because we believe the children that we serve will be the children of tomorrow; creating a world that we are all proud to be in.
As a church school we are fundamentally rooted in the Christian values and use these to inspire life long learners who are guided by the example of Jesus. We have strong links with the local church and this forms the basis of our collective worship. Through the Parable of the Sower, we aim to teach children that if they have ‘good soil’, where they hear God’s message, they will be able to grow and flourish into ambitious citizens of our world.
We hope that you enjoy looking at our website and discovering why we are so proud of our school and how it is supporting children to be ambitious, to be kind and to give to others within the community and the wider world.
Stephany Hunter, Head Teacher
Our Core Values
What people say...
The staff are amazing – particularly impressed and happy with teachers. Parent
The school caters for individual needs. Parent
Everyone has fun playing together at playtimes. Child Age 7